Posts Tagged: jason borger

Rage Against the Shadow Cast

Approaching 60.000 views on YouTube and Vimeo, Tapani´s little satire on the art of fly casting is still causing massive controversy online. Especially on YouTube, where haters and lovers leave their comments on a regular basis. In fact, some viewers were getting so heated up by this little video that we had to start moderating… Read more »

Jazz & Fly Fishing´s 2011 in Videos and More

With 2012 on the doorstep, here are some of the highs (and lows) of 2011, seen through various camera lenses: Last christmas, Tapani and Joona decided to saw a big hole in the ice of the lake outside their cottage in central Finland. Then they did some really strange: First they sat for hours in… Read more »

Shadow Cast: The Jury Has Reached a Verdict!

After days of intense scrutiny in the drama-filled dark of my private projection room, I have finally arrived at a decision in the planet-wide J&FF Shadowcasting Competition. I won’t waste any time getting to the point: The boys at J&FF furnished me with what they considered the three finalists, and I decided that #2 —… Read more »

Jason Borger's jazz review

The Great Shadow Master himself, Jason Borger, has reviewed our album Slow Walking Water at his excellent site Fish, Flies & Water. Check it out!

J&FF´s 2010 in Videos, Pictures, and Links

Hi! Inspired by our friends at the excellent Norwegian fishing blog, I decided to sum up the Jazz & Fly Fishing year 2010, as seen by yours truly. As it turns out, we did a lot more stuff than I remembered in 2010, but here´s some of it at least: For me, the first big… Read more »

Casting a Shadow: An Exploration of Technique

I was recently made aware of an exciting new development in fly casting from the gentlemen here at Jazz & Fly Fishing: The NEW, IMPROVED J&FF Shadow Cast. This cast takes the signature technique from A River Runs Through It in a completely new direction, and serves to finally tie together the broad, sweeping strokes… Read more »

Coming soon: Jason Borger´s take on the J&FF Shadow Cast!

As we all know, the internet is a fantastic way of getting in touch with people all over the world. Even your heroes are suddenly within reach. Last monday, we got this comment about our new J&FF Shadow Cast from someone called JB, saying that the “beauty of it brings tears to my eyes”. Since… Read more »

Never Underestimate the Power of the Shadow Cast

Tapani´s recent Shadow Cast video really hit the spot! It´s been picked up by lots of blogs and websites around the world. Sadly, a lot of people worldwide seem to misunderstand this new, improved Shadow Cast. It is not a joke. And it certainly isn´t a parody. It is a really serious cast, made by… Read more »

The Shadow Cast

In the movie A River Runs Through It Brad Pitt is seen doing a cast so beautiful that it makes a grown fly fisherman cry. This cast was named the “shadow cast” and it was actually performed by Jason Borger, who runs the Fly Casting Institute. Now, Jazz & Fly Fishing has developed a new,… Read more »

The Art Of Fly Casting

The art of fly casting is fascinating, challenging and beautiful. And it’s fun! Some people think it is so fun that they hardly fish anymore, they’re just casting. Hour after hour, cast after cast, no fish. More casting. No fish. I guess many of them are called salmon fishermen. Anyway, back to the subject! There… Read more »