Posts Tagged: jyväskylä

New Video: Karaoke!

Jyväskylä, Finland, June 2010: After a reasonably successful tour in Finland, we ended up having a little bit of a party. A couple of drinks later, going to a karaoke bar to make complete fools of ourselves seemed like a really good idea. And as always with J&FF, the cameras just kept on rolling… Enjoy,… Read more »

Jazz, no fly fishing

My idea was to finish off the season by spending a day or two fishing rainbow trout in a couple of lakes near Gothenburg. But this year the winter came early and there’s no fighting against mother nature. It’s -12 degrees centigrade outside and I guess I must sit down, tie some flies, and wait… Read more »

Tour feelings

Blog from Eco-Rapids #1 Greetings from the JFF mini tour in Finland! We started off with a gig in Helsinki, it was nice to be together again! We also saw some of the TV documentary for the first time and I can tell you it was special. Soon a year has gone since the TV-tour… Read more »

Tour coming up!

It’s time for a tour in Finland now! In a couple of days we’ll be off for some gigs and fishing, and the producers will reveal first glimpses of the JFF television documentary series. We haven’t seen any of it, so it’s pretty exciting. Will we be making fools of ourselves in front of the… Read more »

Heading north

It’s been a very intense day but we are finally on the road towards Tornio where we are going to spend the night. Me and Fredrik arrived in Helsinki in the morning and after picking up Tapani and the instruments we continued to the Halti headquarters to get our outdoor equipment. The huge tent has… Read more »