Posts Tagged: catch and release


Would you release the meter-long pike you just caught? How about a big seatrout? Do you only fish for species that have a steady population and can take the fishing? If you answered yes, you are probably a Responsible Fisherman. Those are the opening lines in the press release of the newly opened Finnish fishing… Read more »

Hook, Line & Murder

Catch & Release or Kill it & Leave it? That’s today’s question. Animation by Eben McCue.

J&FF Eco Manifesto – and some practical views on catch & release

We´ve gotten lots of feedback on our Season One Sneak Peek video. The overwhelming majority of the feedback has been very positive, but some viewers have reacted strongly to the killing of fish in the video. All members of J&FF are very conscious about environmental issues, and since all the fish shown in this video… Read more »

Tour coming up!

It’s time for a tour in Finland now! In a couple of days we’ll be off for some gigs and fishing, and the producers will reveal first glimpses of the JFF television documentary series. We haven’t seen any of it, so it’s pretty exciting. Will we be making fools of ourselves in front of the… Read more »