Posts Tagged: casting

Casting in the park

Last week the snow almost melted away. Spring is slowly coming, just a few more weeks and it will be green everywhere. A couple of days ago I went up to a park close to where I live. I brought a #5 rod and an old yellow DT-line. Thought it would be a good idea… Read more »

Coming up: The Shadow Cast

Here are some more pictures taken this summer when we were perfecting the new Shadow Cast™. We are showing a video about how to do it tomorrow. Stay tuned! -Tapani Photos: Roger Bråthen © 2010

Guideline Fario

There’s been a lot of talking lately about Guideline’s new fly rod series Fario. It has been praised by the critiques (the 9′ #5 rod won a test in Trout & Salmon magazine) and our friends who have tested it have been very impressed. And when we got our hands on the 9′ #5 we… Read more »