Posts Tagged: article

Fisch & Fliege

I´d just like to inform our German-speaking friends that there´s a nice spread about Jazz & Fly Fishing in the latest issue of the German fly fishing magazine Fish & Fliege. Czech it out!

The Truth About Jazz & Fly Fishing

Click here to check out the latest issue of This Is Fly. In addition to interesting articles, heaps of great photos and the coolest cover art and layout in fly fishing ever, there´s an article written by yours truly! The piece tells the true story of Jazz & Fly Fishing – past, present and future…. Read more »

Article in Fluefiske 2011

The Norwegian magazine Fluefiske 2011 comes out once a year. It´s a real high quality publication, with interesting articles written by interesting people. This year, there´s an article written by none other than J&FF´s Fredrik Hamrå! Now that´s interesting! For those of you who aren´t able to read Norwegian, there are two alternatives: 1. Learn… Read more »