Posts Tagged: jff

Autumn, Pop Music and Fly fishing

Maybe you red my last blog a while ago (alone in the wilderness). If you think that it is totally made up, you’re wrong. I actually spend almost a week on my own in the wilderness. The problem is that I didn’t catch anything to brag about. The biggest fish – an arctic char, didn’t… Read more »


This summer we are going to make a long hike. We will go far up North, far far away from anything that looks like humans. Very very close to huuuuge trout and char. It is not going to be easy. Who said life supposed to be easy anyway? We have been doing some serious planning… Read more »

J&FF Eco Manifesto – and some practical views on catch & release

We´ve gotten lots of feedback on our Season One Sneak Peek video. The overwhelming majority of the feedback has been very positive, but some viewers have reacted strongly to the killing of fish in the video. All members of J&FF are very conscious about environmental issues, and since all the fish shown in this video… Read more »