Posts Tagged: olavi louhivuori

Jazz, no fly fishing

My idea was to finish off the season by spending a day or two fishing rainbow trout in a couple of lakes near Gothenburg. But this year the winter came early and there’s no fighting against mother nature. It’s -12 degrees centigrade outside and I guess I must sit down, tie some flies, and wait… Read more »

Short Report

Hi! I just came back from Vadsø/Varangerfestivalen, where I had the great honour and privilege to play with the legendary Polish trumpetplayer Tomasz Stanko and his quintet. I was substituting for the band’s regular guitarplayer, and it was so much fun! Tomasz’ compositions are really fascinating, totally open but still structured. Beautiful pieces. The interplay… Read more »

New trio album coming!

I just returned from Helsinki where I was mixing Joona Toivanen trio‘s new album. This is a band both me, Tapani and the drummer Olavi Louhivuori have played had since we were kids. Olavi had just finished a long US tour with Polish trumpet legend Tomasz Stanko’s quintet, and it was great to meet with… Read more »