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Urban Rainbow Mystery

Hi! Remember this one? Click here to see LarsogLars/VGTV´s video! It solves the mystery of last year´s giant rainbow from Frognerparken (Oslo´s Central Park), and it also reveals the highly urban location where I caught this spectacular fish some weeks ago. The video is in Norwegian, but since you´re smart enough to follow this blog,… Read more »

High Fives!

The Nordic fly fishing blog scene is really happening at the moment. Cool new blogs are popping up all the time, supplying high quality fly fishing-related stuff to the starved masses. These are some of our favourites: The Swedish Nylinder brothers and their crew have a large collection of cool videos on their brand new… Read more »

J&FF´s 2010 in Videos, Pictures, and Links

Hi! Inspired by our friends at the excellent Norwegian fishing blog, I decided to sum up the Jazz & Fly Fishing year 2010, as seen by yours truly. As it turns out, we did a lot more stuff than I remembered in 2010, but here´s some of it at least: For me, the first big… Read more »

Urban Trout Spawning in Oslo

Some weeks ago, I got a call from my friend Lars Nilssen (for those of you who don´t know him, Lars is a fly fishing legend here in Norway, and he currently co-runs a really cool fly fishing blog together with the no-less-legendary Lars Lenth:  Anyway, Nilssen sounded pretty excited.  He had been passing… Read more »