The tent woke us up automatically after the temperature in the morning sunshine reached 55C. It was good to take a morning swim in the river although the water was way too cold. Finally, we had the time to do some serious fishing without too much hurry. Did we catch anything? Yes we did. On… Read more »
Posts Tagged: swim
This area holds some beautiful fishing waters that all have more or less the same name: Ransan, Ransaran, Ransarån, Ransaren… We took the boat at lower Ransarån to get across the lake Ransan. Our target was to go to the river-mouth of the upper Ransarån and hike upstream to find a good camping spot. It… Read more »
More coming soon§
Here are some very exclusive pics from our latest wilderness adventure. We are now pretty beaten and in a hurry to the next gig. More text and pictures about what REALLY happened are coming soon.
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