Posts Tagged: bokeh

New video: Focus

Here’s a short film from a trip a couple of weeks back. One man, one camera, one fish, one situation. Plus some experimenting with the out-of-focus shapes with different lenses. Music by Jazz & Fly Fishing. Enjoy! Focus from Jazz & Fly Fishing on Vimeo.

One man, one piano

Howdy! One night about a year and a half ago I was sitting in my rehearsal room, playing through my old sketchbooks. I have piles of those music sheets with small phrases, ideas, tunes, and I’ve basically written down this music stuff since I was a teenager. I found a lot of stuff I had… Read more »

Bokeh Monster: The Meyer Görlitz 135mm

In photography Bokeh (from Japanese boke), is the aesthetic quality of the back- or foreground blur. Photographers love all kinds of tests where lens performance is measured by resolution, contrast or edge light falloff, but the bokeh can’t really be measured. You either like it or not, or maybe you don’t even think about it at… Read more »