Posts Tagged: spring

Casting in the park

Last week the snow almost melted away. Spring is slowly coming, just a few more weeks and it will be green everywhere. A couple of days ago I went up to a park close to where I live. I brought a #5 rod and an old yellow DT-line. Thought it would be a good idea… Read more »


Lot’s of things are happening right now. The spring is coming, we are allowed to fish for the sea trout, the snow is gone, flowers starts to pop up in the nature and… most important of all: I am free to fish 24 hours a day in one week. So are J-man. The water is… Read more »

Spring Depression…

… or maybe you can call it pre-spring depression. Do you recognize the following things: 1. The food doesn’t taste as much as usual. Everything you eat feels like chewing grandmas one week old porridge. 2. You cannot sleep very good, every night you wake up and scream (very loud horrible sounds). 3. When you… Read more »