Posts Tagged: poland

New Video: It´s Your Fault

A short edit from our tour in Poland, September 2011 Music: Jazz & Fly Fishing Thanks: Ranjit Prasad at Saraswati Studios, Igor Glinda at Tartak Fly Fishing Centre, Kuba Standera at Sztuka Lowienia, Peter, Thomas, and all the other beautiful people that helped us out and made our stay in Poland so memorable. We´re coming… Read more »

The International Press

There are some fresh articles out there for our international followers. No longer do you need to stick to the barbaric Scandinavian languages, just get your copy of the latest Swiss Petri-Heil (in German), or the Polish Sztuka Lowienia! For those who prefer English, check out the webmagazines This is Fly and Scale Magazine (also… Read more »

Poland in pictures 2: The River San

The final destination on our tour was the river San in Poland. A big fly fishing festival was held there, with lots of fishermen fishing, hanging out and partying. We were introduced to lots of different fly fishing techiques, mostly with nymphs: polish nymphing, czech nymphing, french nymphing… However, our “Nordic” approach with long leaders… Read more »

Poland in pictures 1: Street fight

After visiting France, it’s beautiful people, sophisticated wines, the famous cuisine and all, we all of a sudden found ourselves in the tiny village called Pobiedna in Western Poland. Red wine turned into fantastic beer, and the delicate salads and cheeses were replaced by traditional Polish soups and sausages. People were crazy and very friendly!… Read more »

New Shadow Cast Deadline: November 1st

We´re thrilled about the way our Shadow Cast competition has turned out so far. Some of the entries are just incredible! However, we suspect there might still be some unseen fly casting sensations in the making. That´s why we´re changing the deadline to 1st of November 2011. Do not miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!… Read more »

We´re Back

After ten wonderful days, we´re back home. Severly exhausted, with bulging memory cards, swollen hard drives and shrunken livers. Did we have fun? Yes. Did we get good material for our long film (working title Season 2, to be released in late winter 2013)? Yes. Did we meet lots of really cool people? Yes. Did… Read more »

Wroclaw! Tonight!

Yep. We´re playing in Wroclaw tonight, 21.00, at the Schody Donikad. Support: Paradise of Pigs Comecomecome!

We´re Off!

10 glorious days of jazz and fly fishing in France and Poland lie ahead, and right now I´m packing up my gear. Heaps of instruments, fly fishing gear and video gear on top of all the regular necessities – there is just way too much stuff floating around. Anyway, we´ll try to keep you guys… Read more »

The Art of Fly Fishing

There’s a big article about Jazz & Fly Fishing in the latest number of Sztuka Lowienia, (The Art of Fly Fishing) a Polish fly fishing magazine. And more than so, they even included a CD with three tracks from our new album! Unfortunately all I know in Polish is Sztuka (Art) and Lowienia (Fishing) so… Read more »