The Shadow Cast

In the movie A River Runs Through It Brad Pitt is seen doing a cast so beautiful that it makes a grown fly fisherman cry. This cast was named the “shadow cast” and it was actually performed by Jason Borger, who runs the Fly Casting Institute.

Now, Jazz & Fly Fishing has developed a new, more effective Shadow Cast. The video below introduces this new way of fly casting. Poetry in motion is perhaps the best way to describe it.


Toby The Train

Great shadowcast, man! Haha! I learned a new expression this week by a fellow student, and I think this is the right time for me to use it the first time… ROFLMAO!

Paul J

Funniest thing i’ve seen in ages love it

“sometimes the shadow cast is not that useful but there are some situations” I can see how hard it was to keep a straight face – classic. pj from the UK


ah… mista puste da jeg rullet rundt på gulvet med latterCRAMP! J&FF er det flotteste konseptet jeg kan tenke meg!


Just wondering, by the end of that cast, how many knots did you produce between the leader and tippet? LMAO!
You guys are fantastic! A fellow supporter and fan of both Jazz music as well as the art of fly fishing…;D


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