Hot day running…

As a fly fisherman and musician I have to stay in shape. As a matter of fact, I believe it is more like this: as a human creature I/we have to stay in shape. Our modern lifestyle will otherwise transform us into cheese doodles!

Anyway, me and Joona ran the half marathon in Gothenburg last week, it is actually the worlds biggest half mara, 58.000 people this year! During the early spring I have been running in cold weather. I like to run in cold weather! On the mara-day, it was suddenly 26 degrees. Help! Guess I was nervous, maybe forgot to drink enough water, I donĀ“t know.

At 13:39 the gun was fired and I began to run. I felt strong and hold up a good tempo. Nice! Perhaps I was aiming a little high. “Must not let anybody pass me, must not”… After 8 km I noticed that my brain didn’t work. But I still had my legs! After 9 km my right leg suddenly started to live its own life. Ignore! At 9.5 km the brain was gone, guess the sun melt it away. Then it happened – I crashed. What more to say. To my defense I can tell you that I wasn’t alone. 1407 people – mainly young, fit and stupid guys also collapsed. I somehow made it to the gig, pretty beaten. adios.

/Gone fishing.



I know what you mean Fredrik. At 10 km it felt like the Gothenburg sun literarly placed its butt on me and stayed there for the rest of the race. A horrible experience.


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