Here Is Trout!

With more than a little help from Norwegian fly fishing legends Lars Nilssen and Lars Lenth, who run the excellent flyfishing blog, I found trout!

Smøla is the place. It is a totally flat and stunningly beautiful island on Norway´s western coast.
The island has lots and lots of small watersystems, and most of them are packed with brown trout, both sea-run and landlocked.
But the best part is the tidal currents. Smøla is surrounded by more than 5000 islets, and the tide turns the narrow straits between them into beautiful, ever-changing “rivers” of saltwater, filled with torpedo-shaped, fierce fighting seatrout. Highly recommended!

Here are some more pics:

PS! Lars&Lars have a brand new series of videos coming out on VGTV (Norway´s biggest newspaper´s TV channel) this summer, and I´ll be appearing in some of the episodes. Great fun! I´ll let you know when the new stuff starts airing. Meanwhile, there is some stuff from last year there. Czech it out!


Håvard / Jazz & Fly Fishing

Yes and no, The Truth. It was a reaally good trout, but it wasn´t 17 kilos;)

Håvard / Jazz & Fly Fishing

Don´t forget that our Ransarån trip is in a week´s time. It would be most unfortunate if your sleeping bag got filled with water. Brrrr. Those chilly May nights by the arctic circle…


Det er et fantastisk ørretfiske på smøla. Akkurat i disse dager kanskje på sitt beste!!=) Når får vi se film på lars&lars bloggtv?


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